Duplication of events: Whilst a pink adaptation of Michelangelo’s famous statue of David is
rising into the sky outside Cologne’s Cathedral - only about 100m away - a more contemporary relief, that was also created by an artist from Florence, Andrea Stefanini, Sculptor and Chief Mould Builder of our partner factory in Florence, can be admired in the window of a big book store at the Roncalliplatz .
The pink David is part of an exhibition called 'Das achte Feld', which will be on exhibit at the Ludwig Museum in Cologne until the 12th November. You can find more information about that on their website at www.museum-ludwig.de.
The Relief Display in A1 format has been commissioned by the publisher “Friedrich Oetinger Verlag” in Hamburg. This poster is currently advertising successfully for the new Children’s Book “ Peter und die Sternenfänger” in Cologne and all over Germany.
The high level of perfection of the print and the relief together with its overall 3-dimensional appearance were very convincing arguments for the publisher to become a new and very satisfied customer for Relief Display.
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