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Four decades of Vacuum Forming with unrivalled Perfection!

Now from another address! Now we can be found in the Hans-Böckler-Strasse 21a in Hürth-Hermülheim (near Cologne). Our new phone number is 0049 2233 9491 100.

Since 1974, brands in Germany and Europe count on the competencies of Relief Display in Cologne andPlasticolor in Florence.

During this time, and until today, perfectly manufactured reliefdisplays have provided a rapid and intense leadership ant the POS.

The production, or creation, of a vacuum formed reliefdisplay is indeed always a fine balance between art and bad taste or even trash. One can spend two days to produce a tool or two weeks, and consequently the quality varies immensely, and with that the results.

Our tool makers', sculptors' and printers' motto is: Only the best is good enought for our clients!

Reliefdisplays from 1973 until today


The plus points for using our company and our competent partner in Florence, Italy are:

 1. Relief Display has been the market leader since the formation of the company in 1973 and hence can draw on almost 47 years of experience in this special subject.

 2. Unrivalled capacity: 10 vacuum forming machines, 9 of which are for formats of 70 x 100 cm. Litho print in house, screen print next door, own welding machine and PU foam finish set up.

 3. Experience and good reputation as a result of thousands of successfully completed German and international projects for leading brands.

 4. Worldwide largest sample archive of reliefdisplays since 47 years of work.

So if you would like to impress and stand out at POS with reliefdisplays you should put your projects in the hands of our gifted tool makers, our unbeatable print quality, Italian finesse and typical German punctuality!


© Relief Display - Klaus Dommermühl KG - Cäsarstrasse 58 - D-50968 KÖLN - Tel.: +49 - (0)221 - 38 36 32